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Choosing the Right School


There is a perfect school for everyone out there, and it might not always be the one where all of your friends go! Finding the right school is a process and an important decision that will have a tremendous impact on your future. 

Personality Match

2-year or 4-year school

Two-year college- Associate's Degree or Transfer Pathway to 4-year college

Four-year college- Bachelor's Degree and option to continue studies in a Master's, Doctoral or PhD program


Public or Private

Public university- state funded so in-state tuition is offered to legal residents

NC Minimum Requirements: 2.5 GPA & 800 SAT (reading & math) or 17 ACT


Private college or university- independently funded, no state funding provided 


*Financial aid can sometimes make private colleges as affordable as public colleges, if not more so. And private colleges are not always more selective


Distance from home

Is a school within driving range or would you have to fly?


Rural, Suburban or Urban


Size of student population

Small campus (<2,000 students), medium campus (2,000-15,000), or large (>15,000)


Diversity of student body

HBCU- Historically Black Colleges & Universities

PWI- Predominantly White Institution

HSI- Hispanic Serving Institutions


Availablility of financial aid and scholarships

Use the Net Price Calculator to get an estimate of how much a college will cost your family


4-Year Graduation Rate

Academic Fit

"Admissions Profile" or "Freshman Profile" 

Shows the statistics for students admitted last year to this school


"Middle 50% Range" 

Shows the grades/scores for most admitted students last year

However, 25% of admitted students were lower and 25% were higher than this range last year


​"Average" GPA, ACT Score & SAT Score

All admitted GPAs or test scores added up and divided by the number of students admitted last year


How to Match Schools Academically

You will want to apply to AT LEAST one school in each category


Likely to Be Accepted ("safety schools")-

​Above the 75th percentile (higher number of the middle 50-percentile range) for both GPA and ACT or SAT, plus involvement in extracurriculars throughout high school


Target Schools- 

​Within the Middle 50-Percentile Range for both GPA and ACT. On a sliding scale if one is higher and the other is slightly lower


Reach Schools- 

​Below the 50th Percentile for both GPA and ACT or SAT. May be slightly below 25th percentile, but will need to have a strong extracurricular involvement, great letters of recommendation, and well written essays to improve chances of acceptance


Visiting Campus & Online Virtual Tours
  • Visiting campus shows demonstrated interest in that school


  • Open Houses are just big events, you can visit any time!


  • No tours available? Take a self-guided walking tour


  • Can't visit? Many schools offer virtual tours on their websites for students to check out as well!

Programs of Study, Majors & Career Pathways

Pre-law, pre-med, pre-dental, pre-professional are course tracks that include recommended or required classes for grad school

  • You don't necessarily have to "major" in pre-anything!


Choose a major because you are interested in that subject, not because it might make a lot of money!

  • You can always switch majors, but its a hassle and you might have  classes that you don't need anymore


Undecided is okay! 

  • ​Just take classes that spark your interest and count toward your graduation requirements in the meantime 



Office: 919-776-7541 ext. 2604

Cell: 919-404-7440

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© 2014 by Kelly Hagerty

Updated annually by

LCHS College Advising

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